Ashley Zoch

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Early Risers

On Saturday morning we loaded into two cars at 4am, handed out the two-way radios and decided on the call-signs 'Maverick' and 'Goose' from the movie Top Gun. Andrew drove myself and Suhana and Kylie drove Natalie and Lau. Fortunately we were 'Maverick'. Our destination was an island resort on Pulau Tioman.

Suhana & Lau waiting for the Boat.

We completed the 350km drive to the coastal town of Mersing at around 9:30am and had a quick breakfast of noodles and some delicious tea (that frothed like a cappucino and tasted like it had biscuits dunked in it). We boarded a speed boat and zipped across an hour of ocean to arrive at Salang Beach Resort on Pulau Tioman. Salang is a popular destination among backpackers. It cost us about $8 each for bungalows and the same for food. There was just the right number of European beauties and other travelers.

Salang Beach

The afternoon was spent snoozing in hammocks on the beach and exploring. We ate dinner and drank a few beers and then settled in for an evening of outdoor cards. We played a couple of card games that Natalie & Kylie picked up in China, who's names I will not utter here (OK - Arsehole and Shithead).

Nat and I resting by a Palm.

All the sleeping and snoozing was too much, so we turned in for an early night. The rooms were simple - a couple of beds, a fan and a bathroom with a showerhead and a toilet. I thought we might have been a bit warm, but with the fan on we were fine. Unlike mainland Malaysia, the islands have a nice cooling coastal breeze.

Nat & Kylie in front of the Bungalows.


  • Fab time by the sounds of it love reading about it.
    All the stones

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:44 pm  

  • HI Buddy,
    Hope u having fun in Thailand..
    the delicious tea had for breakfast before jumping on the boat to Tioman is call "Teh Tarik" or "Drag" tea.. Malaysian Indian's is the expert in making that

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 pm  

  • Thanks buddy. I was hoping you might correct some of my inaccuracies.

    By Blogger Ashley, at 4:06 am  

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