Ashley Zoch

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We arrived in Antwerp via the fast train from Paris. The train was fantastic - quick and comfortable. It's much better than catching a plane. We stayed at a little hotel right next to the Cathedral of our Lady.

Cathedral of our Lady.

Antwerp is a quiet little town. We spent the morning looking through the catherdral and the nearby square and then wandered around the shops and sampled a good variety of Belgian beers (and waffles). Of particular note was a small beer cafe behind our hotel with an eerie collection of 400 relgious statutes that appeared to have been collected from churches. Apparently it was the owners collection and the building itself was built in the 1600s.

Statue of Brabo & the Giant's Hand.

We finished up in Antwerp this morning to catch a train to Amsterdam where we have just arrived.


  • which is brabo and which is the giant !!!!!!!!!!!!!! cz

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:21 pm  

  • Hi Zochman, We miss you! Hope you are having a great time! Where is my bloody postcard.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:57 pm  

  • I didn't realise you'd started using this blog again! After a couple of years of having it sitting in my RSS feed I finally deleted it earlier this year, and now I realise I've been missing out! ;)

    I hope you're both having a blast. (I haven't read everything yet).

    By Blogger Michael Dart, at 7:40 am  

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