Ashley Zoch

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Laura Photos

The kind folks from Melbourne Post-Rock outfit Laura have included some of my live photos on their site. I'm tickled pink!


  • Onya! I just picked up one of their EPs at Cumbersome while I was watching The PST...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:41 am  

  • That's awesome. What, they just stumbled across it?

    By Blogger Michael Dart, at 6:56 pm  

  • I did a little shameless self promotion. I was quite pleased with the shots so I sent them a note so they could have a look.

    Cos - I'd like to hear your thoughts on their EP. I like their album 'We are Mapping Your Dreams' a little more than the EP.

    By Blogger Ashley, at 7:07 pm  

  • re: shameless self-promotion

    yeah, i usually do the same thing :) eg. Pink Stainless Tail from Sunday...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:32 pm  

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