Ashley Zoch

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


After a long train ride down to Leipzig, Germany we checked into a rather East German business hotel near the station and headed out for some dinner.

Town Square.

The next morning we strolled through the centre of Leipzig which is very clean and neat and seems like a nice place to live. In the town centre a mini Octoberfest was in progress with a local orchestra, plenty of bratwurst and beer on offer.

Outside the Thomaskirch.

We visited the Thomaskirch church where J.S. Bach is buried and had a quick look through the museum (although sadly they were renovating so there wasn't much on display). Leipzig seems to have the largest goth ratio of any city I've seen. We considered having a drink at the Absinthery but feared that we weren't wearing nearly enough black.

Darren with Bach.

We decided to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant instead and Darren was delighted to be accosted by a young travelling stone-mason and carpenter dressed in medieval garb and looking for money to practice their traditional crafts. Everyone always wants the money...


  • Happy you boys are still having fun - sick of churches and momuments yet make the best of it all time is running out cz

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:53 am  

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